EwsXmlReader class
XML reader.
EnsureCurrentNodeIsEndElement(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String localName)
→ void
Ensures the current node is end element.
→ void
Ensures the current node is start element.
EnsureCurrentNodeIsStartElementWithNamespace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName)
→ void
Ensures the current node is start element.
→ XmlReader
Gets the XML reader for node.
InternalReadElementWithNamespace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName, XmlNodeType nodeType)
→ Future<void>
Read XML element.
IsEndElement(String namespacePrefix, String localName)
→ bool
Determines whether current element is a end element.
IsEndElementWithNamespace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName)
→ bool
Determines whether current element is a end element.
→ bool
Determines whether current element is a start element.
IsStartElementWithNamespace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName)
→ bool
Determines whether current element is a start element.
IsStartElementWithPrefix(String namespacePrefix, String localName)
→ bool
Determines whether current element is a start element.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
Read({XmlNodeType? nodeType = null})
→ Future<void>
Reads the next node.
ReadAttributeStringValue(String attributeName)
→ String?
Reads the attribute value.
ReadAttributeValue<T>(String attributeName)
→ T?
Reads the attribute value.
ReadAttributeValueWithNamespace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String attributeName)
→ String?
Reads the attribute value.
→ Future<Uint8List>
Reads the base64 element value.
ReadBase64ElementValueWithStream(Stream? outputStream)
→ void
Reads the base64 element value.
→ Future<String?>
Reads the element value.
ReadElementStringValueWithNamespace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String localName)
→ Future<String?>
Reads the element value.
ReadElementStringValueWithPrefix(String namespacePrefix, String localName)
→ Future<String?>
Reads the element value.
→ Future<T?>
Reads the element value.
ReadElementValueWithNamespace<T>(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName)
→ Future<T?>
Reads the element value.
ReadEndElementIfNecessary(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName)
→ Future<void>
Reads the end element if necessary.
ReadEndElementWithNamespace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName)
→ Future<void>
Reads the end element.
ReadEndElementWithPrefix(String namespacePrefix, String elementName)
→ Future<void>
Reads the end element.
→ String
Reads the Inner XML at the given location.
ReadNullableAttributeValue<T>(String attributeName)
→ T?
Reads a nullable attribute value.
→ String
Reads the Outer XML at the given location.
ReadStartElement(String namespacePrefix, String localName)
→ Future<void>
Reads the start element.
ReadStartElementWithNamespace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName)
→ Future<void>
Reads the start element.
→ Future<String>
Reads the value.
ReadToDescendant(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String localName)
→ void
Reads to the next descendant element with the specified local name and namespace.
→ Future<T?>
Reads the value.
→ Future<void>
Skips the current element.
SkipElement(String namespacePrefix, String localName)
→ Future<void>
Skips the element.
SkipElementWithNamspace(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String localName)
→ Future<void>
Skips the element.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
TryReadValue(OutParam<String> value)
→ Future<bool>
Tries to read value.