ValidatePropertyVersion static method

void ValidatePropertyVersion(
  1. ExchangeService service,
  2. ExchangeVersion minimumServerVersion,
  3. String propertyName
Validates parameter collection. The collection. Name of the param. Validates property version against the request version. The Exchange service. The minimum server version that supports the property. Name of the property.


//        static void ValidateParamCollection(Iterable collection, String paramName)
//        {
//            ValidateParam(collection, paramName);
//            int count = 0;
//            for (Object obj in collection)
//            {
//                try
//                {
//                    ValidateParam(obj, """string.Format("collection[{0}]", count)""");
//                }
//                on ArgumentException catch( e)
//                {
//                    throw new ArgumentException("""
//                        string.Format("The element at position {0} is invalid", count),
//                        paramName,
//                        e""");
//                }
//                count++;
//            }
//            if (count == 0)
//            {
//                throw new ArgumentException(""""Strings.CollectionIsEmpty", paramName""");
//            }
//        }
//        /// <summary>
//        /// Validates service object version against the request version.
//        /// </summary>
//        /// <param name="serviceObject">The service object.</param>
//        /// <param name="requestVersion">The request version.</param>
//        /// <exception cref="ServiceVersionException">Raised if this service object type requires a later version of Exchange.</exception>
//        static void ValidateServiceObjectVersion(ServiceObject serviceObject, ExchangeVersion requestVersion)
//        {
//            ExchangeVersion minimumRequiredServerVersion = serviceObject.GetMinimumRequiredServerVersion();
//            if (requestVersion < minimumRequiredServerVersion)
//            {
//                throw new ServiceVersionException(
//                    string.Format(
//                    Strings.ObjectTypeIncompatibleWithRequestVersion,
//                    serviceObject.GetType().Name,
//                    minimumRequiredServerVersion));
//            }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Validates property version against the request version.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service">The Exchange service.</param>
/// <param name="minimumServerVersion">The minimum server version that supports the property.</param>
/// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property.</param>
static void ValidatePropertyVersion(ExchangeService service,
    ExchangeVersion minimumServerVersion, String propertyName) {
  if (service.RequestedServerVersion.index < minimumServerVersion.index) {
    throw new ServiceVersionException("""string.Format(