PersonaPostalAddress.withDetails constructor

  1. String street,
  2. String city,
  3. String state,
  4. String country,
  5. String postalCode,
  6. String postOfficeBox,
  7. LocationSource locationSource,
  8. String locationUri,
  9. String formattedAddress,
  10. double latitude,
  11. double longitude,
  12. double accuracy,
  13. double altitude,
  14. double altitudeAccuracy,
Initializes a new instance of the The Street Address. The City value. The State value. The country value. The postal code value. The Post Office Box. The location Source. The location Uri. The location street Address in formatted address. The location latitude. The location longitude. The location accuracy. The location altitude. The location altitude Accuracy.


    String street,
    String city,
    String state,
    String country,
    String postalCode,
    String postOfficeBox,
    LocationSource locationSource,
    String locationUri,
    String formattedAddress,
    double latitude,
    double longitude,
    double accuracy,
    double altitude,
    double altitudeAccuracy)
    : super() {
  this._street = street;
  this._city = city;
  this._state = state;
  this._country = country;
  this._postalCode = postalCode;
  this._postOfficeBox = postOfficeBox;
  this._latitude = latitude;
  this._longitude = longitude;
  this._source = locationSource;
  this._uri = locationUri;
  this._formattedAddress = formattedAddress;
  this._accuracy = accuracy;
  this._altitude = altitude;
  this._altitudeAccuracy = altitudeAccuracy;