Clear method

void Clear()
Adds a reference attachment to the collection The display name of the new attachment. The fully-qualified path identifying the attachment Adds an item attachment to the collection Removes all attachments from this collection.


// ReferenceAttachment AddReferenceAttachment(
//            String name,
//            String attachLongPathName)
//        {
//            ReferenceAttachment referenceAttachment = new ReferenceAttachment(this.owner);
//            referenceAttachment.Name = name;
//            referenceAttachment.AttachLongPathName = attachLongPathName;
//            this.InternalAdd(referenceAttachment);
//            return referenceAttachment;
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Adds an item attachment to the collection
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TItem">The type of the item to attach.</typeparam>
/// <returns>An ItemAttachment instance.</returns>
// ItemAttachment<TItem> AddItemAttachment<TItem extends Item>()
//        {
//            if (typeof(TItem).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AttachableAttribute), false).Length == 0)
//            {
//                throw new InvalidOperationException(
//                    string.Format(
//                        "Items of type {0} are not supported as attachments.",
//                        typeof(TItem).Name));
//            }
//            ItemAttachment<TItem> itemAttachment = new ItemAttachment<TItem>(this.owner);
//            itemAttachment.Item = (TItem)EwsUtilities.CreateItemFromItemClass(itemAttachment, typeof(TItem), true);
//            this.InternalAdd(itemAttachment);
//            return itemAttachment;
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Removes all attachments from this collection.
/// </summary>
void Clear() {