OccurrenceIndex property

int get OccurrenceIndex
Initializes a new instance of the The Id of the recurring master the Id represents an occurrence of. The index of the occurrence. Gets or sets the index of the occurrence. Note that the occurrence index starts at one not zero.


// AppointmentOccurrenceId(String recurringMasterUniqueId, int occurrenceIndex)
//            : super(recurringMasterUniqueId)
//        {
//            this.OccurrenceIndex = occurrenceIndex;
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the index of the occurrence. Note that the occurrence index starts at one not zero.
/// </summary>
int get OccurrenceIndex => this.occurrenceIndex;
set OccurrenceIndex (int value)


set OccurrenceIndex(int value) {
  // The occurrence index has to be positive integer.
  if (value < 1) {
    throw new ArgumentException("OccurrenceIndexMustBeGreaterThanZero");

  this.occurrenceIndex = value;