EnableScpLookup property

bool EnableScpLookup
Gets or sets the DNS server address. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the AutodiscoverService should perform SCP (ServiceConnectionPoint) record lookup when determining the Autodiscover service URL.


//        IPAddress DnsServerAddress
//        {
//            get { return this.dnsServerAddress; }
//            set { this.dnsServerAddress = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the AutodiscoverService should perform SCP (ServiceConnectionPoint) record lookup when determining
/// the Autodiscover service URL.
/// </summary>
bool get EnableScpLookup => this._enableScpLookup;
void EnableScpLookup=(bool value)


set EnableScpLookup(bool value) => this._enableScpLookup = value;