BodyPrefix property

MessageBody? BodyPrefix
Gets or sets the subject of this response. Gets or sets the body prefix of this response. The body prefix will be prepended to the original message's body when the response is created.


//        String get Subject => this.PropertyBag[EmailMessageSchema.Subject];
//        set Subject(String value) => this.PropertyBag[EmailMessageSchema.Subject] = value;

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the body prefix of this response. The body prefix will be prepended to the original
/// message's body when the response is created.
/// </summary>
MessageBody? get BodyPrefix =>
    this.PropertyBag[ResponseObjectSchema.BodyPrefix] as MessageBody?;
void BodyPrefix=(MessageBody? value)


set BodyPrefix(MessageBody? value) =>
    this.PropertyBag[ResponseObjectSchema.BodyPrefix] = value;