ConferenceType property

int? ConferenceType
Gets an OccurrenceInfo identifying the first occurrence of this meeting. Gets an OccurrenceInfo identifying the last occurrence of this meeting. Gets a list of modified occurrences for this meeting. Gets a list of deleted occurrences for this meeting. Gets or sets time zone of the start property of this appointment. Gets or sets time zone of the end property of this appointment. Gets or sets the type of conferencing that will be used during the meeting.


//        OccurrenceInfo get FirstOccurrence => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.FirstOccurrence];

/// <summary>
/// Gets an OccurrenceInfo identifying the last occurrence of this meeting.
/// </summary>
//        OccurrenceInfo get LastOccurrence => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.LastOccurrence];

/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of modified occurrences for this meeting.
/// </summary>
//        OccurrenceInfoCollection get ModifiedOccurrences => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.ModifiedOccurrences];

/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of deleted occurrences for this meeting.
/// </summary>
//        DeletedOccurrenceInfoCollection get DeletedOccurrences => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.DeletedOccurrences];

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets time zone of the start property of this appointment.
/// </summary>
//        TimeZoneInfo get StartTimeZone => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.StartTimeZone];
//        set StartTimeZone(TimeZoneInfo value) => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.StartTimeZone] = value;

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets time zone of the end property of this appointment.
/// </summary>
//        TimeZoneInfo get EndTimeZone => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.EndTimeZone];
//        set EndTimeZone(TimeZoneInfo value) => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.EndTimeZone] = value;

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the type of conferencing that will be used during the meeting.
/// </summary>
int? get ConferenceType =>
    this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.ConferenceType] as int?;
void ConferenceType=(int? value)


set ConferenceType(int? value) =>
    this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.ConferenceType] = value;