WritePropertyValueToXml method

  1. @override
void WritePropertyValueToXml(
  1. EwsServiceXmlWriter writer,
  2. PropertyBag propertyBag,
  3. bool isUpdateOperation
Writes to XML. The writer. The property bag. Indicates whether the context is an update operation.


void WritePropertyValueToXml(EwsServiceXmlWriter writer,
    PropertyBag propertyBag, bool isUpdateOperation) {
  TimeZone? value = propertyBag[this] as TimeZone?;

  if (value != null) {
    // We emit time zone properties only if we have not emitted the time zone SOAP header
    // or if this time zone is different from that of the service through which the request
    // is being emitted.
    if (!writer.IsTimeZoneHeaderEmitted || value != writer.Service.TimeZone) {
      TimeZoneDefinition timeZoneDefinition =
          new TimeZoneDefinition.withTimeZone(value);

      timeZoneDefinition.WriteToXml(writer, this.XmlElementName);