EnhancedLocation property

PropertyDefinition EnhancedLocation
getter/setter pair
Defines the Proposed Start property. Defines the Proposed End property. Enhanced Location property.


// static PropertyDefinition ProposedStart =
//            new ScopedDateTimePropertyDefinition(
//                XmlElementNames.ProposedStart,
//                FieldUris.ProposedStart,
//                PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanFind,
//                ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013,
//                delegate(ExchangeVersion version)
//                {
//                    return AppointmentSchema.StartTimeZone;
//                });

/// <summary>
/// Defines the Proposed End property.
/// </summary>
// static PropertyDefinition ProposedEnd =
//            new ScopedDateTimePropertyDefinition(
//                XmlElementNames.ProposedEnd,
//                FieldUris.ProposedEnd,
//                PropertyDefinitionFlags.CanFind,
//                ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013,
//                delegate(ExchangeVersion version)
//                {
//                    return AppointmentSchema.EndTimeZone;
//                });

/// <summary>
/// Enhanced Location property.
/// </summary>
static PropertyDefinition EnhancedLocation =