WriteElementValue method
- XmlNamespace xmlNamespace,
- String? localName,
- String? displayName,
- Object? value,
void WriteElementValue(XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String? localName,
String? displayName, Object? value) {
String? stringValue;
OutParam<String> strOut = new OutParam<String>();
if (this.TryConvertObjectToString(value, strOut)) {
stringValue = strOut.param;
// PS # 205106: The code here used to check IsNullOrEmpty on stringValue instead of just null.
// Unfortunately, that meant that if someone really needed to update a String property to be the
// an error on the server because an update is required to have a single sub-element that is the
// value to update. So we need to allow an empty String to create an empty element (like <Value />).
// Note that changing this check to just check for null is fine, because the other types that get
// converted by TryConvertObjectToString() won't return an empty String if the conversion is
// successful (for instance, converting an integer to a String won't return an empty String - it'll
// always return the stringized integer).
if (stringValue != null) {
this.WriteStartElement(xmlNamespace, localName);
this.WriteValue(stringValue, displayName);
} else {
throw new ServiceXmlSerializationException(
"ElementValueCannotBeSerialized(${value.runtimeType}, $localName)");