IssueSubscriptionFailures method

void IssueSubscriptionFailures(
  1. GetStreamingEventsResponse gseResponse
Issues the subscription failures. The GetStreamingEvents response.


/* private */
void IssueSubscriptionFailures(GetStreamingEventsResponse gseResponse) {
  throw NotImplementedException("IssueSubscriptionFailures");

//            ServiceResponseException exception = new ServiceResponseException(gseResponse);
//            for (String id in gseResponse.ErrorSubscriptionIds)
//            {
//              StreamingSubscription subscription = null;
//                lock (this.lockObject)
//                {
//                    // Client can do any good or bad things in the below event handler
//                    if (this.subscriptions != null && this.subscriptions.containsKey(id))
//                    {
//                        subscription = this.subscriptions[id];
//                    }
//                }
//                if (subscription != null)
//                {
//                    SubscriptionErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new SubscriptionErrorEventArgs(
//                        subscription,
//                        exception);
//                    if (this.OnSubscriptionError != null)
//                    {
//                        this.OnSubscriptionError(this, eventArgs);
//                    }
//                }
//                if (gseResponse.ErrorCode != ServiceError.ErrorMissedNotificationEvents)
//                {
//                    // Client can do any good or bad things in the above event handler
//                    lock (this.lockObject)
//                    {
//                        if (this.subscriptions != null && this.subscriptions.containsKey(id))
//                        {
//                            // We are no longer servicing the subscription.
//                            this.subscriptions.remove(id);
//                        }
//                    }
//                }
//            }