IsAllDayEvent property

bool? get IsAllDayEvent
Gets the start time of the appointment. Gets the end time of the appointment. Gets the original start time of this appointment. Gets a value indicating whether this appointment is an all day event.


//        DateTime get Start => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.Start];

/// <summary>
/// Gets the end time of the appointment.
/// </summary>
//        DateTime get End => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.End];

/// <summary>
/// Gets the original start time of this appointment.
/// </summary>
//        DateTime get OriginalStart => this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.OriginalStart];

/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether this appointment is an all day event.
/// </summary>
bool? get IsAllDayEvent =>
    this.PropertyBag[AppointmentSchema.IsAllDayEvent] as bool?;