Preview property

String? get Preview
Get or set the Flag value for this item. Gets the normalized body of the item. Gets the EntityExtractionResult of the item. Gets or sets the policy tag. Gets or sets the archive tag. Gets the retention date. Gets the item Preview.


// Flag Flag
//        {
//            get { return (Flag)this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.Flag]; }
//            set { this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.Flag] = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets the normalized body of the item.
/// </summary>
// NormalizedBody get NormalizedBody => this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.NormalizedBody];

/// <summary>
/// Gets the EntityExtractionResult of the item.
/// </summary>
// EntityExtractionResult get EntityExtractionResult => this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.EntityExtractionResult];

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the policy tag.
/// </summary>
// PolicyTag PolicyTag
//        {
//            get { return (PolicyTag)this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.PolicyTag]; }
//            set { this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.PolicyTag] = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the archive tag.
/// </summary>
// ArchiveTag ArchiveTag
//        {
//            get { return (ArchiveTag)this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.ArchiveTag]; }
//            set { this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.ArchiveTag] = value; }
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Gets the retention date.
/// </summary>
// DateTime get RetentionDate => this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.RetentionDate];

/// <summary>
/// Gets the item Preview.
/// </summary>
String? get Preview => this.PropertyBag[ItemSchema.Preview] as String?;