SendClientLatencies property

bool get SendClientLatencies
Gets a time zone definition generated from the time zone info to which this service is scoped. Gets or sets a value indicating whether client latency info is push to server.


//        TimeZoneDefinition get TimeZoneDefinition =>
//            {
//                if (this.timeZoneDefinition == null)
//                {
//                    this.timeZoneDefinition = new TimeZoneDefinition(this.TimeZone);
//                }
//                return this.timeZoneDefinition;
//            }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether client latency info is push to server.
/// </summary>
bool get SendClientLatencies => this._sendClientLatencies;
set SendClientLatencies (bool value)


set SendClientLatencies(bool value) {
  this._sendClientLatencies = value;