Parse<T> static method

T? Parse<T>(
  1. String? value
Parses specified value based on type. The value.


static T? Parse<T>(String? value) {
  if (possibleEnumsConverter.containsKey(T)) {
    return possibleEnumsConverter[T]!(value) as T?;
  } else if (schemaToEnumDictionaries.Member!.containsKey(T)) {
    return schemaToEnumDictionaries.Member![T]![value!] as T?;
  } else if (T == int) {
    return int.parse(value!) as T;
  } else if (T == double) {
    return double.parse(value!) as T;
  } else if (T == String) {
    return value as T?;
  } else if (T == bool) {
    return (value!.toLowerCase() == "true") as T;
  } else {
    throw NotImplementedException("Parse<$T>($value)");
//          //todo("implement Parse<T>")
//          print("implement Parse<T where ${T.runtimeType}>");
//            if (typeof(T).IsEnum)
//            {
//                Dictionary<string, Enum> stringToEnumDict;
//                Enum enumValue;
//                if (schemaToEnumDictionaries.Member.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out stringToEnumDict) &&
//                    stringToEnumDict.TryGetValue(value, out enumValue))
//                {
//                    // This double-casting is ugly, but necessary. By this point, we know that T is an Enum
//                    // (same as returned by the dictionary), but the compiler can't prove it. Thus, the
//                    // up-cast before we can down-cast.
//                    return (T)((object)enumValue);
//                }
//                else
//                {
//                    return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, false);
//                }
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                return (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
//            }