TryReadElementFromXml method

  1. @override
bool TryReadElementFromXml(
  1. EwsServiceXmlReader reader
Defines an implicit conversion from a regular String to an attributedString. String value of the attributed String being created Tries to read an attributed String blob represented in XML. XML reader


// static implicit operator AttributedString(String value)
//        {
//            return new AttributedString(value);
//        }

/// <summary>
/// Tries to read an attributed String blob represented in XML.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader">XML reader</param>
/// <returns>Whether reading succeeded</returns>
bool TryReadElementFromXml(EwsServiceXmlReader reader) {
  switch (reader.LocalName) {
    case XmlElementNames.Value:
      this.Value = reader.ReadElementValue<String>();
      return true;
    case XmlElementNames.Attributions:
      return this.LoadAttributionsFromXml(reader);
      return false;