every_test library


Builder class handling every parameters in order to build and run tests
Symbolize a golden test finder, its parameter instance and its expected value
Builder class handling every parameters in order to build and run tests
Symbolize a test parameter instance and its expected value


everyTest(String description, {required EveryTestCallback of, required List<EveryTestParameter> expects}) EveryTestBuilder
Entry point to create a new 'everytest' series Uses a builder to store every arguments before run the tests
everyTestGolden(String description, {required EveryTestGoldenCallback of, required List<EveryTestFinder> expects}) EveryTestGoldenBuilder
Entry point to create a new 'everyTestGloden' series Uses a builder to store every arguments before run the tests
finder(Finder any) EveryTestFinder
Util method used to instantiate a new Finder with the corresponding parameter
param(dynamic any) EveryTestParameter
Util method used to instantiate a parameter instance


EveryTestCallback = dynamic Function(dynamic parameter)
Callback type used to call the test code
EveryTestGoldenCallback = Future<void> Function(WidgetTester tester, dynamic parameter)
Callback type used to call the test code