onAny<TCommand extends Object> method

void onAny<TCommand extends Object>(
  1. AggregateIdResolver<TCommand, TId> toId,
  2. AggregateCommandHandler<TCommand, TEvent, TValue, TId, TState, TAggregate> action

Register an asynchronous handler for a command, which is expected to use an a new (if id does not exist) or an existing aggregate instance. Use parameter toId to get the AggregateId from give command. Use parameter action to performed actions on the aggregate, given the aggregate instance and the command

  • Type parameter TCommand - Command type


void onAny<TCommand extends Object>(
    AggregateIdResolver<TCommand, TId> toId,
    AggregateCommandHandler<TCommand, TEvent, TValue, TId, TState, TAggregate>
        action) {
  assert(!isFrozen, 'Aggregate handlers has been frozen');

    () => RegisteredAggregateCommandHandler<TCommand, TEvent, TValue, TId,
        TState, TAggregate>(

    () => (command) => toId(command as TCommand),