check static method

ConflictModel? check(
  1. JsonMapList mine,
  2. JsonMapList yours


static ConflictModel? check(JsonMapList mine, JsonMapList yours) {
  // 1. Get local (mine) and remote (yours) patches
  final yourPaths = => op['path']);
  final concurrent = mine.where((op) => yourPaths.contains(op['path']));

  // 2. Check if any of mine and yours patches collide
  final eq = const MapEquality().equals;
  final conflicts = concurrent.where(
    (op1) => yours
        .where((op2) => op2['path'] == op1['path'] && !eq(op1, op2))

  return conflicts.isNotEmpty
      ? ConflictModel(
          type: ConflictType.merge,
          mine: mine,
          yours: yours,
          paths: => op['path'] as String).toList(),
      : null;