run method

  1. @override
FutureOr<void> run()

Runs this command.

The return value is wrapped in a Future if necessary and returned by CommandRunner.runCommand.


FutureOr<void> run() async {
  stdout.writeln("Running esdbtcli $name...");
  final root = Directory(
    argResults!['out'] as String,
  final certs = Directory('$root/certs');
  final shell = Shell(workingDirectory: root, runInShell: true);
  if (certs.existsSync()) {
    stdout.writeln("Deleting ${certs.path}/...");
    await chmod(shell, '0755', certs);
    await rmdir(shell, certs);
  await mkdir(shell, certs);

  await pull(shell);
  await createCa(shell, certs);
  await createNode(shell, certs);
  await pem(shell, certs);

    "Created Certificate Authority certificate at ${certs.path}/ca",
  await ls(shell, Directory(p.join(certs.path, 'ca')));

  stdout.writeln("Created Node certificate at ${certs.path}/node");
  await ls(shell, Directory(p.join(certs.path, 'node')));

  if (argResults!['secure'] as bool) {
      "Limit access to read and write for ${shell.username} only with chmod 0600",
    await chmod(shell, '0600', certs);
  } else {
      "Limit access to read and write for ${shell.username} only with chmod 0755",
    await chmod(shell, '0755', certs);

  stdout.writeln("Certificates creation finished!");