read method

Future<ReadEventsResult> read(
  1. String streamId, {
  2. int? maxCount,
  3. bool forward = true,
  4. bool resolveLinks = true,
  5. Position? position,
  6. UserCredentials? userCredentials,
  7. EventStoreClientOperationOptions? operationOptions,

Read ResolvedEvents from given stream streamId and optional position. When position is not given, all events from StreamPosition.start is returned when forward is true and StreamPosition.end when forward is false. Use maxCount to limit number of events to read (default is all events from given position). Use forward to read towards the end of stream. Default is true. Use resolveLinks to resolve links as ResolvedEvent (default is true). Returns as ReadEventsResult on first response from the server.


Future<ReadEventsResult> read(
  String streamId, {
  int? maxCount,
  bool forward = true,
  bool resolveLinks = true,
  Position? position,
  UserCredentials? userCredentials,
  EventStoreClientOperationOptions? operationOptions,
}) {
  if (streamId == SystemStreams.AllStream) {
    if (position != null && position is! LogPosition) {
      throw ArgumentError.value(
        'Stream \$all requires type LogPosition',
    return readFromAll(
      forward: forward,
      maxCount: maxCount,
      resolveLinks: resolveLinks,
      position: position as LogPosition,
      userCredentials: userCredentials,
      operationOptions: operationOptions,
  return $runRequest<ReadEventsResult>(() async {
    final state = StreamState.exists(
      revision: StreamRevision.fromPosition(
        (position ?? (forward ? StreamPosition.start : StreamPosition.end))
            as StreamPosition,
    final request = state.toReadReq(
      count: maxCount,
      forward: forward,
      resolveLinks: resolveLinks,
    final client = await $getClient();
    final resultStream =
      options: $getOptions(
        userCredentials: userCredentials,
        operationOptions: operationOptions,
    return _toReadResult(