replayFromAll method

Future<void> replayFromAll(
  1. String groupName, {
  2. int? stopAt,
  3. UserCredentials? userCredentials,
  4. EventStoreClientOperationOptions? operationOptions,

Replay the parked messages for given subscription on SystemStreams.AllStream

This will push the parked messages to subscribers before any new events on the subscription.

Parameters groupName identifies the PersistentSubscription to replay events on from.

Use stopAt to specify the number of parked messages to replay.


Future<void> replayFromAll(
  String groupName, {
  int? stopAt,
  UserCredentials? userCredentials,
  EventStoreClientOperationOptions? operationOptions,
}) async {
  return replay(
    stopAt: stopAt,
    userCredentials: userCredentials,
    operationOptions: operationOptions,