
Transform method calls to a stream of events.

Getting started

Add these dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file:




1. Declaring methods

Start by declaring a class which defines a set of public methods, with a set of arguments. Annotate this class with the @eventified annotation.

Add a part 'example.g.dart'; declaration at the top of your file.

The return type of the methods must be void.

import 'package:eventified/eventified.dart';

part 'example.g.dart';

abstract class Example {
  void hello({
    required bool world,
    String? name,

  void world(String name);

2. Generate event classes and the stream implementation.

Run the build runner in your project by running this command line:

dart run build_runner build

If you are using flutter, use flutter pub run build_runner build instead.

3. Use implementation

/// Create an instance from the `Streamed` generated implementation. 
final streamed = StreamedExample();

/// Listen for events from the `stream`.
streamed.stream.listen((event) {

/// Call methods to trigger corresponding events.
..hello(world: false, name: 'Jeff')

/// The previous calls prints this to console :
/// HelloExampleEvent(
///   world : false,
///   name : Jeff,
/// )
/// WorldExampleEvent(
///   name : john,
/// )

/// Closes the underlying stream.

Advanced usage

The generated classes and behaviours can be customized with annotations.

Custom event names

You can set a baseEvent name, and specific event names.

@Eventified(baseEvent: 'MyEvent')
abstract class ExampleCustomEventNames {
  @Event(name: 'HelloEvent')
  void hello({
    required bool world,
    String? name,

  @Event(name: 'WorldEvent')
  void world(String name);

Add metadata

You can generate a $metadata property which allows to reflects the event and its arguments at runtime. This might be particularly useful for serialization purpose.

@Eventified(metadata: true)
abstract class Example {
  void hello({
    required bool world,
    String? name,

  void world(String name);

The metadata keys can also be customized independently with Event and EventArgument annotations.

@Eventified(metadata: true)
abstract class Example {
  @Event(metadata: 'Hello')
  void hello({
    required bool world,
    @EventArgument(metadata: 'Name') String? name,

  void world(String name);


See the example project.

