event_navigation library
- BlocBackButton
- This represents a level of subnavigation, usually representing a screen.
- Decides whether a sub navigation will be allowed to go through given the node.
- Will accept any sub navigation so long as it falls within the values of allowedSubNavigation.
Helper class that that can fire events into a
- FullScreenCarousel
- Will use the evaluationFunction passed in the constructor to evaluate the acceptance of the sub navigation.
- Creates a widget that has the ability to change the main navigation of the app.
handles the main/top level navigation of this app. You can fire events in event.dart or use the functions in EventNavigation to call the functions indirectly. - Creates a widget that has the ability to change the main navigation of the app.
- Details which navigations are to be accepted and what to do when navigation is not accepted.
- Details how to handle undoing and redoing the navigation.