searchByModelAndFields<T extends BaseModel> method

FutureOr<Iterable<T>> searchByModelAndFields<T extends BaseModel>(
  1. String database,
  2. T supplier(),
  3. T model,
  4. List<String> fields,

Finds all models in database that have values that match the passed model's values

Only values that are mapped to keys in fields will be considered.

The default implementation is to call findAllModelsOfTypes and then perform a comparison individiually.

A concrete implementation with a more efficient way of doing this should override this function.


FutureOr<Iterable<T>> searchByModelAndFields<T extends BaseModel>(
  String database,
  T Function() supplier,
  T model,
  List<String> fields,
) async {
  final values = await findAllModelsOfType(database, supplier);
  return values.where(
    (element) => model.hasSameFields(
      model: element,
      onlyFields: fields,