get static method

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> get({
  1. required String method,
  2. bool isAuth = false,
  3. bool testMode = false,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? query,
  5. int urlIndex = 0,

Initialization API class Help to get url to resource in server storage Sends an HTTP GET request.


// static Future<void> init(
//     {required List<String> urls,
//       bool globalTestMode = false,
//       bool bearerToken = true,
//       disableAllTestMode = false,
//       bool enableUtf8Decoding = false,
//       bool loadTokenFromMemory = true,
//       String? authTitle,
//       String? storageUrl}) async {
//   if (!ApiST.instance.setInitState()) {
//     throw APIException(error: 'API class already initialization');
//   }
//   if (urls.isEmpty) {
//     throw APIException(error: 'URLs list is empty');
//   }
//   if (!urls[0].startsWith('http')) throw APIException(error: 'The url should start with https or http');
//   for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
//     if (!urls[i].endsWith('/')){
//       urls[i] += '/';
//     }
//   }
//   await GetStorage.init();
//   ///LoadTokenFromMemory now here
//   if (loadTokenFromMemory) {
//     String token = GetStorage().read('ApiEticonMainAuthToken2312') ?? '';
//     if (token.isNotEmpty) {
//       Token.instance.setToken(token);
//     }
//     token = GetStorage().read('ApiEticonMainRefreshToken2312') ?? '';
//     if (token.isNotEmpty) {
//       Token.instance.setRefreshToken(token);
//     }
//     String expireTimeString = GetStorage().read('ApiEticonMainExpireDate2312') ?? '';
//     if (expireTimeString.isNotEmpty) {
//       DateTime expireTime = DateTime.parse(GetStorage().read('ApiEticonMainExpireDate2312'));
//       Token.instance.expireDate = expireTime;
//     }
//   } else {
//     Token.instance.setToken('');
//     Token.instance.setRefreshToken('');
//   }
//   if (authTitle != null) {
//     ApiST.instance.setAuthTitle(authTitle);
//   }
//   ApiST.instance.setUrls(urls);
//   ApiST.instance.setGlobalTestMode(globalTestMode);
//   ApiST.instance.disableAllTestMode(disableAllTestMode);
//   ApiST.instance.enableUtf8Decoding(enableUtf8Decoding);
//   ApiST.instance.setBearerMode(bearerToken);
//   if (storageUrl != null) {
//     ApiST.instance.setStorageUrl(storageUrl);
//   }
// }

// static get baseUrl => ApiST.instance.baseUrl;

///Help to get url to resource in server storage
// static String dataFromStorage(String path) {
//   if (ApiST.instance.storageUrl == null) {
//     throw APIException(-1, body: 'Storage url is null, set storageUrl in Api.init()');
//   } else {
//     return '${ApiST.instance.storageUrl}$path';
//   }
// }
// ///Set headers. Default is only "Content-type": application/json
// static void setHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) {
//   ApiST.instance.setHeaders(headers);
// }
// ///Return Authorization token
// static String? get token => Token.instance.token;
// ///Checks token storage for emptiness
// static bool tokenIsNotEmpty() {
//   return Token.instance.token.isNotEmpty;
// }
// ///Checks token storage for emptiness
// static bool tokenIsEmpty() {
//   return Token.instance.token.isEmpty;
// }
// ///Clear Token
// static void clearToken() => Token.instance.setToken('');
// ///Set Authorization token
// static void setToken(String token) {
//   if (!ApiST.instance.initState) {
//     throw APIException(-1, body: 'Need Api.init() before setToken');
//   }
//   GetStorage().write('ApiEticonMainAuthToken2312', token);
//   Token.instance.setToken(token);
// }
// ///Return refresh token
// static String? get refreshToken => Token.instance.refreshToken;
// ///Return Authorization token
// static DateTime? get expireDate => Token.instance.expireDate.year == 1970 ? null : Token.instance.expireDate;
// ///Clear Token
// static void clearRefreshToken() => Token.instance.setRefreshToken('');
// ///Checks token storage for emptiness
// static bool refreshTokenIsNotEmpty() {
//   return Token.instance.token.isNotEmpty;
// }
// ///Checks token storage for emptiness
// static bool refreshTokenIsEmpty() {
//   return Token.instance.token.isEmpty;
// }
// ///Set refresh token
// static void setRefreshToken(String token) {
//   if (!ApiST.instance.initState) {
//     throw APIException(-1, body: 'Need Api.init() before setRefreshToken');
//   }
//   GetStorage().write('ApiEticonMainRefreshToken2312', token);
//   Token.instance.setRefreshToken(token);
// }
// ///Set refresh token expire in seconds. Fro check you can use Api.isRefreshTokenExpire
// static void setExpire({required int seconds}) {
//   if (!ApiST.instance.initState) {
//     throw APIException(-1, body: 'Need Api.init() before setRefreshToken');
//   }
//   Token.instance.setExpire(seconds);
//   GetStorage().write('ApiEticonMainExpireDate2312', Token.instance.expireDate.toString());
// }
// ///Check token for expire
// static bool get isTokenExpire =>;

/// Sends an HTTP GET request.
static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> get(
    {required String method,
    bool isAuth = false,
    bool testMode = false,
    Map<String, dynamic>? query,
    int urlIndex = 0}) async {
  if (ApiST.instance.urls.isEmpty) {
    throw APIException(-1, body: 'Base url not set, use Api.init()');
  if (isAuth) {
    if (Token.instance.token.isEmpty) {
      throw APIException(-1, body: 'Authentication token is empty, use Api.setToken (String url)');
  return await ApiST.instance
      .request(type: TYPE.GET, method: method, isAuth: isAuth, testMode: testMode, query: query, urlIndex: urlIndex);