getBlockByNumber method

Future<Block> getBlockByNumber({
  1. BlockTag? blockTag,
  2. bool? includeTransactions,

Signs the given transaction using the keys supplied in the cred object to upload it to the client so that it can be executed.

Returns a hash of the transaction which, after the transaction has been included in a mined block, can be used to obtain detailed information about the transaction.


// Future<String> sendTransaction(Credentials cred, Transaction transaction,
//     {int? chainId = 1, bool fetchChainIdFromNetworkId = false}) async {
//   if (cred is CustomTransactionSender) {
//     return cred.sendTransaction(transaction);
//   }
//   var signed = await signTransaction(cred, transaction,
//       chainId: chainId, fetchChainIdFromNetworkId: fetchChainIdFromNetworkId);
//   if (transaction.isEIP1559) {
//     signed = prependTransactionType(0x02, signed);
//   }
//   return sendRawTransaction(signed);
// }

Future<Block> getBlockByNumber({
  BlockTag? blockTag,
  bool? includeTransactions,
}) async {
  final bt = blockTag?.toParam() ?? const BlockTag.latest().toParam();

  final res = await _makeRPCCall<Map<String, dynamic>>(
    [bt, includeTransactions ?? false],
  return Block(transactions: res['transactions']);