isEIP1559 property

bool isEIP1559

Constructs a transaction that can be used to call a contract function.


// Transaction.callContract(
//     {required DeployedContract contract,
//     required ContractFunction function,
//     required List<dynamic> parameters,
//     this.from,
//     this.maxGas,
//     this.gasPrice,
//     this.value,
//     this.nonce,
//     this.maxFeePerGas,
//     this.maxPriorityFeePerGas})
//     : to = contract.address,
//       data = function.encodeCall(parameters);
// Transaction copyWith(
//     {EthereumAddress? from,
//     EthereumAddress? to,
//     int? maxGas,
//     EtherAmount? gasPrice,
//     EtherAmount? value,
//     Uint8List? data,
//     int? nonce,
//     EtherAmount? maxPriorityFeePerGas,
//     EtherAmount? maxFeePerGas}) {
//   return Transaction(
//     from: from ?? this.from,
//     to: to ??,
//     maxGas: maxGas ?? this.maxGas,
//     gasPrice: gasPrice ?? this.gasPrice,
//     value: value ?? this.value,
//     data: data ??,
//     nonce: nonce ?? this.nonce,
//     maxFeePerGas: maxFeePerGas ?? this.maxFeePerGas,
//     maxPriorityFeePerGas: maxPriorityFeePerGas ?? this.maxPriorityFeePerGas,
//   );
// }

bool get isEIP1559 => maxFeePerGas != null && maxPriorityFeePerGas != null;