construct method

void construct(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> data

Ethereum log objects, returned by Construct from the supplied Map, only check for the keys we need.


void construct(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
  if (data[EthereumConstants.ethResultKey] == null) {
  if (data[EthereumConstants.ethResultKey].isNotEmpty) {
    if (data[EthereumConstants.ethResultKey][0] is String) {
      // Hashes
      _hashes = EthereumData.toList(data[EthereumConstants.ethResultKey]);
    } else {
      // Logs
      _logs = <EthereumLog>[];
      for (final Map<String, dynamic> log
          in data[EthereumConstants.ethResultKey]) {
        final buildLog = <String, dynamic>{
          EthereumConstants.ethResultKey: log
        final entry = EthereumLog.fromMap(buildLog);