shhPost method

Future<bool?> shhPost(
  1. List<EthereumData>? topics,
  2. EthereumData? payload,
  3. int? priority,
  4. int? ttl, {
  5. required EthereumAddress to,
  6. required EthereumAddress from,

SHH post Sends a whisper message from: - (optional) The identity of the sender. to: - (optional) The identity of the receiver. When present whisper will encrypt the message so that only the receiver can decrypt it. topics: - List of topics, for the receiver to identify messages. payload: - The payload of the message. priority: - The integer of the priority in a range from ... (?). ttl: - integer of the time to live in seconds. Returns true if the message was send, otherwise false.


Future<bool?> shhPost(List<EthereumData>? topics, EthereumData? payload,
    int? priority, int? ttl,
    {required EthereumAddress to, required EthereumAddress from}) async {
  if (topics == null) {
    throw ArgumentError.notNull('Ethereum::shhPost - topics');
  if (payload == null) {
    throw ArgumentError.notNull('Ethereum::shhPost - payload');
  if (priority == null) {
    throw ArgumentError.notNull('Ethereum::shhPost - priority');
  if (ttl == null) {
    throw ArgumentError.notNull('Ethereum::shhPost - ttl');
  var params = <String, dynamic>{
    'topics': EthereumData.toStringList(topics),
    'payload': payload.asString,
    'priority': EthereumUtilities.intToHex(priority),
    'ttl': ttl,
    'to': to.asString,
    'from': from.asString
  params = EthereumUtilities.removeNull(params) as Map<String, dynamic>;
  final paramBlock = <dynamic>[params];
  const method = EthereumRpcMethods.shhPost;
  final dynamic res = await _client.rpcClient.request(method, paramBlock);
  if (res != null && res.containsKey(EthereumConstants.ethResultKey)) {
    return res[EthereumConstants.ethResultKey];
  _client.processError(method, res);
  return null;