EtherDart is a fork from ether(don't think it maintained at the momenent)
Ether Dart helps you
Generate new memonic phrase
Verify Memonic phrase
Create wallet from PrivateKey
Create wallet from Keysore json
Create wallet from memonic phrase
Connect to etherium block chain using web3Client
Thanks to web3dart
Thanks to Ether
Add Ethers to your pubspec.yaml file:
ether_dart: current version
Import Ethers in files that it will be used:
import 'package:ether_dart/ether_dart.dart';
///Create EtherDart without immediate connection
final etherDart = EtherDart();
///Generate memomic phrase (can be called seed phrase (Eg : cow ram pig goat ))
final memonicPhrase = etherDart.generateMemonicPhrase();
///Verify seed phrase
if (memonicPhrase != null) {
///i would expose more api in the future
///Eg - memonicToSeedPhrase and the rest
///Create Wallet from private key
final wallet = etherDart.walletFromMemonicPhrase(memonicPhrase!);
///Create wallet from private key (NOTE: Wallet from private doesnt contain memonic seed phrase)
final walletFromPrivateKey = etherDart.walletFromPrivateKey(
Connect to web3Dart
///This my own RpcHost- you can create us with quickNode also
final myHost =
///Connect ether to a provider
///Client in this case is an http client (Used in sending request to your rpc host)
final provider = etherDart.connectProvider(Web3Client(myHost, Client()));
///Use the provider to perform different action
///Eg - getGasPrice
///Eg - send transaction and the rest
final gasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();
print("Ether gas price ${gasPrice.getInWei}");
///Create an EtherDart with immediate connection
final etherDartWithConnect = EtherDart.connect(Web3Client(myHost, Client()));
final gasPriceWithConnect =
await etherDartWithConnect.provider?.getGasPrice();
print("Ether gas price with Connect ${gasPriceWithConnect?.getInWei}");
Feel free to contribute to this repo please There is a need for more packages for the web3 space with dart and flutter