util/utils library


arrayContainsArray(List superset, List subset, {bool some = false}) bool
Returns TRUE if the first specified array contains all elements from the second one. FALSE otherwise.
bytesToHex(List<int> bytes, {bool include0x = false, int? forcePadLength, bool padToEvenLength = false}) String
fromAscii(String stringValue) String
Should be called to get hex representation (prefixed by 0x) of ascii string
fromUtf8(String stringValue) String
Should be called to get hex representation (prefixed by 0x) of utf8 string
getBinarySize(String str) int
Get the binary size of a string
hexToBytes(String hexStr) Uint8List
intToBuffer(int i) Uint8List
Converts an int to a Uint8List
intToHex(int i) String
Converts a int into a hex String
isHexPrefixed(String str) bool
isHexString(String value, {int length = 0}) bool
Is the string a hex string.
padToEven(String value) String
Pads a String to have an even length
stripHexPrefix(String str) String
toAscii(String hexString) String
Should be called to get ascii from it's hex representation
toUtf8(String hexString) String
Should be called to get utf8 from it's hex representation