etag function

String etag(
  1. dynamic entity, {
  2. bool? weak,

Create a simple ETag.

entity must be of either of type String, Uint8List, or FileStat type, if not a TypeError is thrown.


String etag(dynamic entity, {bool? weak}) {
  late final String tag;
  late final bool isWeak;

  if (entity is String || entity is Uint8List) {
    isWeak = weak ?? false;
    tag = _entitytag(entity);
  } else if (entity is FileStat) {
    isWeak = weak ?? true;
    tag = _stattag(entity);
  } else {
    throw ArgumentError.value(entity,
        'entity must be either of type String, Uint8List, or FileStat.');

  return isWeak ? 'W/"$tag"' : '"$tag"';