
Add to your pubspec.yaml dependencies following line

  estado: ^0.0.8

A framework agnostic state management library based on MVVM

Ever felt tired of glueing your Flutter Widgets with some Provider classes? All you want to do is write your App using a pure Flutter API. Suddenly, you have to wrap your Components with Providers and other classes just so you can share data. Estado is a platform and framework agnostic implementation of MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel). It separates the state of your UI and doesn't force you to wrap your UI component classes with some annoying Providers or Controllers. It does not perform dependency injection, Navigation or anything else for you. Need a shared state? Well make your ViewModel class static and subscribe / unsubscribe the Widget to / from the ViewModel yourself. All this library does is give you the tools to separate your UI State completely away from your Views / Widgets. Your actual State class (ViewModel) is completely decoupled from Flutter and you can 100% unit test it

You don't have to learn any magic, state management is completely in your hands again and your build Method won't need any Providers or anything else.


Just Framework agnostic State Management that won't touch your UI code.

Getting started

Think about how your UI should behave, what states do you need? Create a ViewModel for your Stateful Widget and call your data or domain layer from there. And then you emit a new State and your UI will handle that state. Your build() of your Flutter Widget is 100% free from any library regarding State management, as it should be. You can focus fully on writing your UI using the Flutter SDK or other UI libs.


Here's a simple code snippet how to use this library to separate the state from your UI

class LoginViewModel extends EventViewModel {
  void logIn(String email, String password) {
    // LoadingState could be a State defined in a common package or so
    notify(LoadingEvent(isLoading: true));
    authRepository.login(email, password);
    // let's assume login was successful
    notify(LoadingEvent(isLoading: false));

class LoginSuccessfulEvent extends ViewEvent{

  LoginSuccessfulState() : super();

class LoginUiState extends State<LoginUi> implements EventObserver {
  LoginViewModel vm = getViewModel(); // use your DI lib or own factory, its up to you
  void initState() {
  void deactivate() {
  void notify(ViewModelEvent event) {
  if(event is LoginSuccessfulEvent) {
      loggedIn: true

Additional information

If you wish to contribute feel free to create a PR at the github repo. For bugs or feature requests you can create an Issue.