getState method

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getState(
  1. String nodeId

Obtains the state of the node with id nodeId.

Example map output:

 'Light': {
   'brightness': 0,
   'output': true,
 'Switch': {
   'output': true,


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getState(String nodeId) async {
  final uri = _urlBase.getPath(_nodeState, {
    'node_id': nodeId,

  final resp = await get(
    headers: {
      URLBase.authHeader: accessToken,
  final Map<String, dynamic> bodyResp =
      await JsonIsolate().decodeJson(resp.body);
  if (resp.statusCode != 200) {
    throw bodyResp['description'];

  return bodyResp;