confirmForgotPass method

Future<void> confirmForgotPass(
  1. String userName,
  2. String password,
  3. String verificationCode

Handles forgotten password request.

Takes the user that initiated the request, their new password, and the verification code that was sent to their email.


Future<void> confirmForgotPass(
    String userName, String password, String verificationCode) async {
  final uri = _urlBase.getPath(_forgotPasswordEndpoint);

  final body = await JsonIsolate().encodeJson({
    'user_name': userName,
    'password': password,
    'verification_code': verificationCode,

  final resp = await put(uri, body: body);
  final bodyResp = await JsonIsolate().decodeJson(resp.body);
  if (resp.statusCode != 200) {
    throw bodyResp['description'];