Digio ESign

Digio's ESign SDK & Framework for Android and iOS Respectively have been integrated!

I have added Dummy API call methods to help you along with this replace the urls with yours

The Code Work Like Such \n STEP 1 : First We will check if user has done eSIGN Or not via Doc ID exsist or not in our Shared Preferneces (You can use your Apis)

STEP 2 : We Generate a PDF Either in backend API Calls / Frontend (The Backend Uploads PDF and Gives DOC ID here to us to do esign)

STEP 3 : The DOC ID and Phone Number Provided will go for Esign

STEP 4 : Native ESign SDKs/Framework of Digio will be called and Esign will be done!


This are generated Files from @ fluttericon.com for NUNIYO CUSTOM ICONS To use this font, place it in your fonts/ directory and include the following in your pubspec.yaml
Static Page
Consists of Customized Widget(Such as Button ,Input Texts etc.)