combiningScope<S> method

Future<CombinedResult<S, T>> combiningScope<S>(
  1. FutureOr<S> process(
    1. LoggingErrNotifier<T>

Executes the provided function process with an object of LoggingErrNotifier passed to it.

This is similar to loggingScope but different in that this one returns a combined result of the value returned by process and the last error set with the LoggingErrNotifier passed by the scope.

This is useful when you want to leave logging to the logger and handle the error by yourself after the future of the scope completes.

Note that even if there was no error, the error contained in the result is non-null unless the default error value is null.

final result = await errFlow.combiningScope(calc);
  (notifier) => multiply(notifier, value),

// The result contains the last error too, so it is possible
// to check and handle it outside of the scope.
if (result.hasError) {
  switch (result.error!) {
    case AppError.calc:
      print('[Error] Calculation failed.');


Future<CombinedResult<S, T>> combiningScope<S>(
  FutureOr<S> Function(LoggingErrNotifier<T>) process,
) async {

  final newNotifier = LoggingNotifier.from(_notifier);
  final result = await process(newNotifier);
  final error = newNotifier.lastError;


  return _Result(
    value: result,
    error: error,
    hasError: error != defaultValue,