Flutter plugin for ercaspay SDK
Getting started
To use this plugin, add ercaspay as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
How to Use
This plugin uses two APIs
- Create a Ercaspay instance by calling the constructor Ercaspay. The constructor accepts a required instance of the following: context, token, amount, paymentReference, redirectUrl, currency, feeBearer, paymentMethods, customerDetails It returns an instance of Ercaspay which we then call the async method .chargeTransaction() on.
import 'package:ercaspay/ercaspay.dart';
final ercaspay = Ercaspay(
context: context,
token: 'ECRS-TEST-SKldkjsdwehweuh3u4h3h42uh3UeoOhSK5mPB',
amount: 100,
paymentReference: 'R5md7gd9b4s3h2j5d2q',
redirectUrl: 'https://omolabakeventures.com',
currency: 'NGN',
feeBearer: 'customer',
paymentMethods: 'card,bank-transfer,ussd,qrcode',
customerDetails: CustomerDetails(name: 'Ola',email: 'ola@gmail.com',phoneNumber: '07023456789'),
description: 'The description for this payment goes here',
metadata: {
"firstname": "Ola",
"lastname": "Benson",
"email": "iie@mail.com"
live: false
PaymentResponse? response = await ercaspay.chargeTransaction();
- Handle the response Calling the .chargeTransaction() method returns a Future of PaymentResponse which we await for the actual response as seen above.
PaymentResponse? response = await ercaspay.chargeTransaction();
if (response != null) {
if(response.success!) {
//handle success response
} else {
//Handle not successful
} else {
//User cancelled checkout