operator - method

Algebraic operator -(
  1. Algebraic other

The difference of two polynomials is performed by subtracting the corresponding coefficients.

The degrees of the two polynomials don't need to be the same. For example, you could subtract a Quadratic and a Quartic.


Algebraic operator -(Algebraic other) {
  final maxDegree = max<int>(coefficients.length, other.coefficients.length);
  final newCoefficients = <Complex>[];

  // The difference of two polynomials is the difference of the coefficients
  // with the same degree
  for (var degree = maxDegree; degree >= 0; --degree) {
    final thisCoefficient = coefficient(degree) ?? const Complex.zero();
    final otherCoefficient =
        other.coefficient(degree) ?? const Complex.zero();
    final diff = thisCoefficient - otherCoefficient;

    if (!diff.isZero) {

  // Returning a new instance
  return Algebraic.from(newCoefficients);