Matrix<T>.diagonal constructor

  1. required int rows,
  2. required int columns,
  3. required T defaultValue,
  4. required T diagonalValue,

Creates a new N x M matrix where rows is N and columns is M. The matrix is filled with diagonalValue in the main diagonal and zeroes otherwise.


  required int rows,
  required int columns,
  required T defaultValue,
  required T diagonalValue,
})  : rowCount = rows,
      columnCount = columns,
      _data = List<T>.filled(rows * columns, defaultValue) {
  // Making sure the user entered valid dimensions for the matrix
  if ((rows == 0) || (columns == 0)) {
    throw const MatrixException('The rows or column count cannot be zero.');

  // Putting the given value in the diagonal
  for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i) {
    final pos = columnCount * i + i;

    if (pos < _data.length && i < columnCount) {
      _data[pos] = diagonalValue;