solve method

  1. @override
List<double> solve()

Solves the Ax = b equation and returns the x vector containing the solutions of the system.


List<double> solve() {
  final n = knownValues.length;
  final A = equations.toListOfList();
  final b = => e).toList();

  // Swapping rows and pivoting
  for (var p = 0; p < n; ++p) {
    // Finding a pivot
    var max = p;
    for (var i = p + 1; i < n; i++) {
      if (A[i][p].abs() > A[max][p].abs()) {
        max = i;

    // Swapping rows
    final temp = A[p];
    A[p] = A[max];
    A[max] = temp;
    final t = b[p];
    b[p] = b[max];
    b[max] = t;

    // Making sure the matrix is not singular
    if (A[p][p].abs() <= precision) {
      throw const SystemSolverException(
        'The matrix is singular or nearly singular.',

    // pivot within A and b
    for (var i = p + 1; i < n; i++) {
      final alpha = A[i][p] / A[p][p];
      b[i] -= alpha * b[p];
      for (var j = p; j < n; j++) {
        A[i][j] -= alpha * A[p][j];

  // Back substitution
  return SystemSolver.backSubstitution(A, b);