Algebraic constructor

  1. List<Complex> coefficients

Creates a new algebraic equation by taking the coefficients of the polynomial starting from the one with the highest degree.

For example, the equation x^3 + 5x^2 + 3x - 2 = 0 would require a subclass of Algebraic to call the following...

  Complex.fromReal(1), // x^3
  Complex.fromReal(5), // x^2
  Complex.fromReal(3), // x
  Complex.fromReal(-2), // -2

... because the coefficient with the highest degree goes first.

If the coefficients of the polynomial are all real numbers, consider using the Algebraic.realEquation(coefficients) constructor which is more convenient.


Algebraic(List<Complex> coefficients)
    : coefficients = UnmodifiableListView(List<Complex>.from(coefficients)) {
  // Unless this is a constant value, the coefficient with the highest degree
  // cannot be zero.
  if (!isValid) {
    throw const AlgebraicException('The given equation is not valid.');