toStringAugmented method

String toStringAugmented()

Prints the augmented matrix of this instance, which is the equations matrix plus the known values vector to the right. For example, if...

A = 1, 2 4, 5 b = 3 6

... then the Ax = b system represented by this instance is printed in the following way:

1, 2 | 3 4, 5 | 6


String toStringAugmented() {
  final buffer = StringBuffer();

  // Printing the augmented matrix in the following format:
  // [1, 2 | 3]
  // [4, 5 | 6]
  for (var i = 0; i < equations.rowCount; ++i) {
    // Leading opening [

    for (var j = 0; j < equations.columnCount; ++j) {
      buffer.write(equations(i, j));

      // Adding a comma only between two values
      if (j < equations.columnCount - 1) {
        buffer.write(', ');

    // Adding the known value associated to the current equation
    buffer..write(' | ')..write(knownValues[i]);

    // Ending closing ]
    if (i < equations.rowCount - 1) {
    } else {

  return buffer.toString();