toStringAsFixed method

String toStringAsFixed(
  1. int fractionDigits

Prints the real and the imaginary parts of this Complex instance with fractionDigits decimal digits. The output produced by this method is the same that would result in calling toStringAsFixed on a double:

final example = Complex(5.123, 8.123);

// Calling 'toStringAsFixed' on the `Complex` instance
print(example.toStringAsFixed(1)); // 5.1 + 8.1i

// The same result but with 'toStringAsFixed' calls on the single [double]
// values of the complex value
final real = example.real.toStringAsFixed(1);
final imag = example.imaginary.toStringAsFixed(1);

print("$real + $imag"); // 5.1 + 8.1i


String toStringAsFixed(int fractionDigits) =>
    _convertToString(fractionDigits: fractionDigits);