evaluate method

double evaluate(
  1. String expression

Evaluates the mathematical expression and returns the result. This method should be used to evaluate those expression that don't contain the x variable. For example:

  • "6 + 10 * 3 / 7" // Good
  • "6 + 10 * x / 7" // Bad

If you want to evaluate a function with the x variable, use evaluateOn.


double evaluate(String expression) {
  if (expression.contains('x') || (!_parser.accept(expression))) {
    throw const ExpressionParserException('The given expression cannot be '
        'parsed! Make sure that all operators are supported. Make also sure '
        "that the product of two values explicitly has the '*' symbol.\n\n "
        "There cannot be the 'x' variable in the expression because this "
        'method only evaluates numbers.');

  return evaluateOn(expression, 0);