This is a simple package which helps you debug while writing tests. It pinpoints what is wrong with your data when comparing Equatable objects

Getting started

Add the equatable package.


const TwiceNestedEquatable tTwiceNestedEquatable = TwiceNestedEquatable(
    'id', tFlatEquatable, OnceNestedEquatable('id', FlatEquatable('id', 'title')));

const TwiceNestedEquatable tTwiceNestedEquatableWrong = TwiceNestedEquatable(
    'id', tFlatEquatable, OnceNestedEquatable('id', FlatEquatable('id', 'titleWrong')));

test(description, () {
  // assert
            tTwiceNestedEquatableWrong, tTwiceNestedEquatable);

Which outputs:

Expected: 'title'
  Actual: 'titleWrong'
   Which: is different. Both strings start the same, but the actual value also has the following trailing characters: Wrong

Path: TwiceNestedEquatable -> OnceNestedEquatable -> FlatEquatable -> String (Actual) / String (Matcher)

