atLeast2D(dynamic array)
→ Matrix
blockDiag(List arrays)
→ Matrix
broadcast(Matrix input, int numberOfRows)
→ Matrix
choleskyDecomposition(List<List<double>> input)
→ List<List<double>>
diag(Matrix input)
→ Matrix
diagBlocks(Matrix input)
→ Matrix
Creates a matrix with
as its diagonal
filledWithOnes(int rows, {int? columns})
→ Matrix
filledWithScalar(int rows, int? columns, num scalar)
→ Matrix
filledWithZeros(int rows, {int? columns})
→ Matrix
fromIterable(List<Iterable<double>> input)
→ List<List<double>>
fromMatrix(Matrix input)
→ List<Vector2>
matrixInsert(Matrix src, Matrix dest, int startRow, int startColumn)
→ Matrix
matrixSolve(List<List<double>> a, List<List<double>> b)
→ List<List<double>>
matrixToList(Matrix input)
→ List<List<double>>
normF(Matrix a)
→ double
orderByDerivative(Matrix q, int dim, int blockSize)
→ Matrix
outer(Matrix first, Matrix second)
→ Matrix
reshape(Matrix input, List<List<double>> fixedList)
→ Matrix
reshapeZ(dynamic z, int dimZ, int nDim)
→ Matrix
A collection of methods from various Python libraries (predominantly SciPy and NumPy) written in Dart
These methods are mainly used for creating or manipulating matrices
While Dart matrix libraries exist, they do not encompass the scope of well established Python libraries
roundDouble(double value, int places)
→ double
toInverse(Matrix input)
→ Matrix
transposeToColumn(Matrix input)
→ Matrix
transposeToRow(Matrix input)
→ Matrix