solve method

Path solve(
  1. Vertex start,
  2. Vertex destination

A starting vertex start and a destination vertex destination are passed in order to solve the shortest path problem by using the dijkstra algorithm. A FIFO queue with each vertex is returned in which the shortest path is contained.


Path solve(Vertex start, Vertex destination) {
  ///The current inspected node. ALWAYS [start] in the first iteration.
  Vertex activeNode;

  ///performs the initialisation using the start node

  ///[activeNode] contains the currently active node, at the beginning the start node
  activeNode = graph.keys.firstWhere((element) => ==;

  ///as long as there are still nodes that were not yet active, the distances to the starting point are calculated and updated if necessary
  while (_unoptimized.isNotEmpty) {
    ///for each neighbour of the active node the distance to the starting point is calculated, which arises on the current path
    ///if this distance is shorter than the previous one the new distance is entered and the active node is entered as predecessor

    List<Edge> currentEdges = [];

    for (var element in graph[activeNode]!) {
      Vertex? tmp;
      //Don't get me wrong I hate every single thing about this
      for (var node in graph.keys) {
        if ( == {
          tmp = node;
      if (_unoptimized.contains(tmp)) {
    for (var edge in currentEdges) {
      Map<Vertex, double> tmp = _distances[activeNode]!;

      //To correct floating point problems
      const int precision = 10;

      double checkingWeight =
          ((edge.weight + tmp.values.first) * precision).round() / precision;
      //This is only here because Dart isn't willing find in the distance map.
      late Vertex keyToUpdate;
      _distances.forEach((key, value) {
        if ( == {
          keyToUpdate = key;
      if (_distances[keyToUpdate]!.values.first != double.infinity) {
        if (checkingWeight < _distances[keyToUpdate]!.values.first) {
              keyToUpdate, (value) => {activeNode: checkingWeight});
      } else {
            keyToUpdate, (value) => {activeNode: checkingWeight});

    ///the active node is deleted from the list [unoptimized]

    late Vertex currentNearestVertex = _unoptimized.first;
    double currentLowestValue = double.infinity;
    for (var vertex in _unoptimized) {
      if (_distances[vertex]!.values.first < currentLowestValue) {
        currentLowestValue = _distances[vertex]!.values.first;
        currentNearestVertex = vertex;
    if (_unoptimized.isEmpty) break;
    activeNode = currentNearestVertex;

  Vertex starting =
      graph.keys.firstWhere((element) => ==;
  Vertex end =
      graph.keys.firstWhere((element) => ==;

  ///[path] contains the shortest path from start to end node
  Path path = _buildPath(starting, end);

  return path;